Wednesday, November 16, 2011


This week I read a decent chunk of Watchmen. My previous experience with Watchmen has only really been that of seeing the film adaptation of it a few years ago. However, I did notice immediate links between the two as far as storylines and setups. To be fair I don't really read a whole lot of comics in the superhero genre, I grew into liking comics through Archie and the like. However, I did enjoy reading Watchmen. What struck me immediately as interesting was the color palette used throughout. More to the point, the emphasis on color throughout the comic was different. Most comics I have read recently stick to a very controlled palette, where as Moore uses a very broad and strong selection of colors. Concerning the storyline, Watchmen employed multiple forms of narration and storytelling. Most notable were the sections where the characters from the story took the lead of narration. Rorschach's journal was the most widely used during his series of interrogations and research into the death of the Comedian. I also found Dr. Manhattan's style of storytelling to be unique. Specifically, his jumping around between notable moments in his own personal history. Although at first it seemed a little random, it eventually tied itself in with the chronological order of events. Overall I feel this was a good jump into superhero comics, as it seems to follow a more non-traditional viewpoint of the superhero motif, wherein they aren't necessarily praised for their actions, or at least their actions do have consequence. I hope to at some point finish reading the book.

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